I'm in the PNW as well. Are you able to list the congregations that are merging? If not could you send me a PM? I'd be curious to know.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Continuing congregation mergers
by Are you serious inin the area i live in the pacific northwest, three spanish congregations we're merged into two a couple of years ago and in the next month or so four english congregations will be cut down to three.
both situations happened because of lack of growth.
a few years ago, i would never have imagined spanish congregations disappearing or merging but it's happening.
Pete Zahut
You might be a Jehovah's Witness if.......
by Sour Grapes inyou might be a jehovah's witness if, to not feel guilty on saturday morning, you ride in a car with a group of adults driving in circles around town taking turns to get out one at a time to knock on a door that you hoped no one would answer.. you might be a jw if going on vacation meant going to a summer regional or district assembly where you did not need to pack shorts, tennis shoes, or tank tops.
you might be a jw if for lunch at the summer convention you and your family ate breakfast food from the holiday inn where you are staying for the summer assembly.. you might be a jw if the first thing that you think about when waking up in the morning is that it is meeting night.. you might be a jw if you introduce a person to another jw, not by the person's name by as my bible study.. you might be a jw if you don't celebrate christmas but will take the money from your employer to not come to work so that you can celebrate it..
Pete Zahut
You might be a Jehovah‘s witness if you claim to be a Bible student whose main goal is to spread God‘s word throughout the world yet you spend hours standing silently by a literature cart that contains no bibles.
Punctuation Is Important
by compound complex in“anne boleyn walked around and talked to her ladies in waiting half an hour after her head was cut off.”.
“anne boleyn walked around and talked to her ladies in waiting; half an hour after, her head was cut off.”.
please feel free to add your own examples and comments.. thanks..
Pete Zahut
Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.
Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.
I'm sorry, you can't go with us.
I'm sorry you can't go with us.
Need advice/opinions about DF Husband who woke up
by Whynot inmy husband was df 3 years ago.
i still attended meetings but not regularly and for the past 10 months i have not attended any at all.
my husband wanted to get reinstated until maybe a few months ago when i started to help him to wake up.
Pete Zahut
Now, I think it would be good for him to get reinstated then fade out amd he wanted thus as well. But now he doesn't. The reason I think it would be good for him is because he has depression. He doesn't have ANY friends. Not even his co-workers are his friends.
Does he have any JW friends to go back to if he gets reinstated?
What does he say what his reasoning is on not wanting to go back now?
Losing all of ones network of friends/acquaintances is definitely a challenge that one has to be mentally prepared for. Does he indicate how he will deal with this aspect of leaving the JW's?
For me, the meetings were the source of a serious anxiety problem and after years of suffering, it disappeared overnight once I stopped going to those awful anxiety and depression provoking meetings that were making less and less sense and where I was left feeling hopeless about ever doing enough or being good enough.
I want to be all my dog believes me to be ...
by compound complex ingreetings, pet owners and lovers:.
while i have no pets of my own, i do care for dogs and cats and have cared for bunnies and guinea pigs in the past.
i'm working on an essay with an 11-year-old student, and the subject is symbiotic relationships and how humans learn from their close interaction with animals.. here is a portion of the reference material under study:.
Pete Zahut
Before we go deciding on our own how we feel about our pets , I want to remind everyone to refer to the online Watchtower library to see what the "current thinking" is, on the matter of pets (remember that JW expression "current thinking")
Remember how handy it was to have the bound volumes of the watchtower and awake magazines at our disposal so that we could look back over the years and see how we were supposed to feel and what we were supposed to be thinking about?
Did You Ever Luke ANY Songs From The “Songbook “?
by minimus ini went on line looking for old jw songs and some of them were pretty good and some were just awful!.
did you ever like any of those songs?
Pete Zahut
oppostate 11 hours ago
I don't think anybody Luked molested bees.
Fast forward to 4:43 to hear this woman sings the Molested Bee song.
There is No Way Out For Me
by Addison0998 ini have come to the conclusion that there is no way for me to ever leave.
although i have some friends at work, my whole social structure are witnesses.
even if i move congregations, my parents have contacts everywhere who will tell them if i’m not active.
Pete Zahut
Thank you all so much for your advice. I’m planning on living on my own soon so I’m trying to come to a decision and trying to see my life play out with either decision. It’s very scary stepping into the unknown... of a normal life...lol
Even without the JW issue, It's often scary for young ones when they contemplate leaving home and consider the future before them, especially when they don't have concrete plans made. The future can look quite daunting if you look at it all at once rather than take it day by day. You're not the first one to feel this way nor will you be the first one to overcome those feeling, move forward and grow by facing and accomplishing an important milestone.
I think I'd take it a step at a time so that you won't become overcome with fear or paralyzed by indecision. I'd focus on getting out on my own before I though about tackling the JW problem as well. Once you get out on your own, you'll find you're not as dependent on your families approval on every little thing. They'll get used to your independence and you'll make sure that they don't intrude on your personal business the way they likely do now.
You can start setting boundaries now by not asking for your families advice or approval on every little thing (unless of course it's something really important and you do in fact need their advice). You can start doing little things such as going somewhere (safe) or doing some (safe) activity without telling them in advance or reporting in with them or answering their questions afterward.
Little by little you can phase yourself out of your current life as much or as little as you want. At first it might be a missed day of field service or a meeting here and there. You'll get comfortable with giving your family vague but unapologetic responses when they inquire as to your whereabouts.
Soon after you move out you'll need to set even stronger boundaries, otherwise their old habit of being intrusive will continue.
Mom: You weren't at the meeting, where were you last night?
You: Mom, I love you to death but out of principal, I'm not going to answer questions like that anymore. I'm not trying to be secretive with you but you're going to have to get used to not keeping track of my every move and expecting me to answer every question you put to me. You raised me to be smart and to make wise choices so you'll just have to trust that I'm capable of conducting my life without you having to monitor me.
You'll get good at not feeling as if you have to explain yourself to them. You'll enjoy seeing them see you in a whole new way.
"You owe Jehovah humility and HONESTY" - an email from a JW
by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho inhey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
Pete Zahut
Hello SisterBlindFaith,
I read with interest, you latest email and was left left somewhat astonished at how you not only presumed to know the inner most thoughts of Jehovah, stating what he thinks or doesn't think, what he likes or doesn't like on such a wide variety of matters but you also managed to apply them all to me. You even went so far as to imply that I need more humility and even warned me about sinning against the holy spirit.
I'm sure your advice was well intended but I will continue to search for knowledge and conduct my personal relationship with our creator, as I see fit even though you apparently view it as deficient.
I want to be all my dog believes me to be ...
by compound complex ingreetings, pet owners and lovers:.
while i have no pets of my own, i do care for dogs and cats and have cared for bunnies and guinea pigs in the past.
i'm working on an essay with an 11-year-old student, and the subject is symbiotic relationships and how humans learn from their close interaction with animals.. here is a portion of the reference material under study:.
Pete Zahut
My Son's faithful little dog is living out his last days due to old age and illness. I went to visit them the other day and the poor old fellow was lying in his favorite spot in the kitchen. Although he can barely walk, when he heard the sound of my voice, his tail thump-thump-thumped on the floor and he tried to raise himself up to greet me.
I rushed over and knelt down next to him so that he wouldn't attempt to give me his usual ticker tape parade of a welcome. I rested my hand softly on his side, put my face against his face and murmured comforting words in his ear. He licked my cheek and nuzzled my face with his and sighed as if he was saying "I'm sorry, this is all I can do today".
Despite his own discomfort, his main focus was on greeting me and letting me know he loves me. I knew that in his heart he was on his hind legs leaping and spinning with excitement like the puppy he once was. If that's not loyalty and unconditional love, I don't know what is. -
"The last DAYS?"
by eyeuse2badub ini was asked last sunday, after a meeting that i attended with my wife, by a good friend if i believed that these were indeed the "last days".
what prompted his question was the public talk given by a young man that i have known since he was 7 years old and is now an elder at 30.. the talk made mention several times that we are 'definitely' living in the "last days".
i assume that the expression "last days" was prominent in the outline.. i hope that he way i answered my friend's question jump started his thinking.
Pete Zahut
Him :Do you believe we're in the last days?
You: Well it seems to me no one could say for certain whether or not these are the last days, until after they've and come and gone. I avoid making a claims like that because I realize how easy it would be for me to look for clues that might not be there. No one ever worries about the end of the world coming after they're gone, they're usually only concerned whether or not it will come in their lifetime and they tend to look for reasons to prove this is so.
We've seen that happen in the past. Ever since the time of Jesus, everyone was certain that the end would happen in their lifetime. The Holocaust happened over 70 years ago and I'm sure everyone back then thought they were witnessing the end.
They say we shouldn't serve Jehovah with a date in mind but rather we should serve Jehovah regardless of when we think the end will arrive. I suppose the thing to ask ourselves is, would we go from door to door out of love for our fellow man or out of love for Jehovah if we knew for an absolute certainty that Armageddon wouldn't happen in our lifetime? Are we only serving him because we are afraid he'll destroy us if we're still alive when Armageddon arrives?